Sessions are structured according to my current goals, available time and equipment.
"L" means I was training at lower volume or intensity.
"H" means I went harder than usual.


  1. [February]


  1. [December]

January 2020

  1. 15. J.C Shoulders
  2. 14. Lower Body
  3. 13. Chest & Core
  4. 12. L Biceps & Triceps
  5. 11. J. C. Shoulders & Core
  6. 10. Lower Body
  7. 9. H Upper
  8. 8. Armz
  9. 7. Core & Shoulders
  10. 6. Lower Body
  11. 5. Core & Upper
  12. 4. Core & Arms
  13. 3. Shoulders
  14. 2. Up 2 Something!
  15. 1. Garage KB Legs

J.C Shoulders

Rowing | 500m

Intensity: 7 | Strokes: 61 | Time: 02:02

Warm-Up | Minimal Of Rest In Between:

Band Pass Through x10
Band Pull Apart Underhand x10
Arm Circles x20 | Each Direction | Small/Big
Walkouts to Push Up x10
Band Face Pulls x10

Shoulders | 1min Rest Between Sets, 2mins Between Excercises

Overhead Press Rear x12,8,8,6,6 | 29,39,39,44,44kg
Delt Stretch Tri-Set:
A1. Rear x7 | 14kg
A2. Middle x7 | 14kg
A3. Front x7 | 9kg

DB Cheat Laterals | 3 sets to failure on each arm immediately into a DB Push Press to failure on each arm | 10kg
Cable Face Pulls 3x15 | 14kg


Crunch Machine 4x15 | 40kg

Lower Body

Rowing | 500m

Didn't track.

Jump Rope x 100 skips

Warmup | 2 Rounds

A1: Tai Chi Lateral Lunge Switch x 6 Each Side
A2: Crossover Step Up x 8 Each Leg
A3: Windmill x7 Each Side
A4: Goblet Squat x10 | 20kg KB

Lower Body II | 2 Warm-Up Sets , 5 Work Sets | Each Set On 4min

B1. 8x Deadlifts | 80kg
B2. 8x Front Squats | 45kg

Kettlebell Swing| 8 Rounds, no rest in between | 20kg

C1. Work out hard for 20 seconds
C2. Rest for 10 seconds

Final Note: Phone battery died on my way to gym so i didn't track time and pretty much had to freestyle.

Chest & Core

Rowing | 500m

Intensity: 7 | 61 Strokes | Time: 01:53

Core | 3 Rounds

A1. Toe To Bar x10
A2. Roll Out Plank x8 | TRX
A3. Russian Twists x20 | 20kg KB
A4. 45 Hyperextension x10 | 10kg
2min Rest


4 Rounds

B1. Decline Bench Press x8 | 65kg
B2. Barbell Row x8 | 65kg
2min Rest

3 Rounds

C1. Pull Ups x8
C2. Cable cross overs x8 | 23kg
2min Rest

2 Rounds

D1. Close-Grip Cable Row x8 | 57kg
D2. Lower Chest Cable Cross Overs | 14kg
2min Rest

Final Note: It's time to switch up the main scheme.

L Biceps & Triceps

Close-Grip Bench Press x12,10,8,6,6 | 35,45,50,60,60kg
Scott Curls EZ x12,10,8,8 | 20,25,30,30kg
Reverse Tricep Pushdowns x12,10,8,8 | 30,36,43,43kg
Hammer Curls x10,8,8 | 12,5;15,15kg

4 Rounds | 1min Rest Between

A1.Triceps Dips x12
A2. Chin Up Holds | Max

Core | 20kg Kettlebel in each hand | 2 Rounds of:

Offset Overhead 40m
After completing one side, immediately did the other side.

Final Note: I freestyled this on the go. Also had a late start of the day.

J. C. Shoulders & Core

Rowing | 500m

Intensity: 8 | 59 Strokes | Time: 02:00

Warm-Up | Minimal Of Rest In Between:

Band Pass Through x10
Band Pull Apart Underhand x10
Arm Circles x20 | Each Direction | Small/Big
Walkouts to Push Up x10
Band Face Pulls x10

Shoulders | 1min Rest Between Sets, 2mins Between Excercises

Overhead Press x12,8,8,6,6 | 29,39,39,44,44kg
Delt Stretch Tri-Set:
A1. Rear x7 | 14kg
A2. Middle x7 | 14kg
A3. Front x7 | 9kg

DB Cheat Laterals | 3 sets to failure on each arm immediately into a DB Push Press to failure on each arm | 10kg
Cable Face Pulls 3x15 | 14kg

Core | 3 Rounds

B1. Toe To Bar x10
B2. Roll Out Plank x8 | Swiss Ball
B3. Hanging Knees Oblique x10
B4. 45 Hyperextension x10 | 5kg

Final Note: Too fucking long but it was worth it.

Lower Body

Rowing | 500m

Intensity: 8 | 60 Strokes | Time: 01:53

Warm-Up Complex | Minimal Of Rest In Between:

1. Mountain Climber to Cossack Squat x 5 each side, Alternating
2. Lunge Snatch to Windmill, Alternating x 5 each side | 16kg KB
3. Jump Rope x 100 skips
4. Beast to Crab x20
5. Hollow Body Rocks x10
6. Plyo Lunges x20
7. Tai Chi Lateral Lunge Switch x 6 Each Side
8. Squat to Halo x 12 Reps | 16kg KB
9. Crossover Step Up x 8 Each Leg

Time: 08:49

FR Lower III | 3 Rounds | Round On 3min

A1. 8x Sumo Deadlifts | 55kg
A2. 10x Lunges | 40kg

Should stick to no more than 40kg on the Lunges for a while, especially when supersetting - knees start to woble which causes a bad form and could lead to an unnecessary injury.

FR ODIN | 3 Rounds | 25kg Barbell

20x Back Squats
10x Thrusters
5x Push Press
20x Deadlifts
10x Sumo Pulls
5x Upright Rows

New PB: 12:26 (-01:29)

Final Note: Was planning to squeeze in a core finisher but i had to cut on time.

H Upper

Rowing | 500m

Intensity: 10 | 58 Strokes | Time: 02:04

KB Core | 3 Rounds | Minimal Of Rest In Between:

A1: Overhead Sit Up x5 Each Side | 16kg KB
A2: One Arm Swing x10 Each Arm | 20kg KB
A3: Around The World x10 Each Way | 20kg KB

Time: 08:49

FR Upper V | 3 Rounds | Round On 3min

B1. 8x Incline Bench | 65kg
B2. 8x Reverse Row | 70kg

Time: 16:03

FR Upper III | 3 Rounds | Round On 3min

C1. 10x Pull Ups
C2. 10x Dips

Extra 2 Rounds | Round On 3min

D1. 10x Rear Lat Pull Down | 50kg
D2. 10x Dips

Time: 21:58

Final Note: Today's goal was to rip that shit and i ripped that shit.


Rowing | 500m

63 Strokes | Time: 01:58

Warm-Up Circuit | 3 Rounds | Minimal Of Rest In Between:

1. Beast to Crab x10
2. Hollow Body Rocks x10
3. Plyo Lunges x20

FR Upper IV | 3 Work Rounds | Round On 3min

A1. 8x Barbell Tricep Extensions | 25kg
A2. 8x Barbell Curls | 20kg

Biceps & Triceps

A1. 8x Bodyweight Tricep Dips
A2. 8x Incline Curls | 17,5kg

Triceps Finisher

A1. 8x Wide Reverse Tricep Pushdowns | Medium Weight
A2. 8x Skull Crushers | Medium Weight
A3. 8x Rope Tricep Pushdowns | Medium Weight

Final Note: Forgot to track time on each phase.

Core & Shoulders

10min Dynamic Warm Up & Stretch

Core | 4 Rounds | Minimal Rest

10x Toe To Bar
30sec High Side Plank Twists Left
30sec High Side Plank Twists Right
60sec 20kg KB Russian Twist
10x 2sec Hold 45 Hyperextension

Time: 22min

FR Upper II | 3 Work Rounds | Each Round on 3min

A1. 8x Push Press | 40kg
A2. 8x Upright Rows | 30kg

Time: 17min

Cable Rear Delt Fly 3x10
Band Face Pulls 3x10

Time: 13min

Lower Body

10min Dynamic Warm Up & Stretch

FR Lower I | 5 Work Rounds | Each Round On 4mins

A1. 8x Back Squats | 50kg
A2. 8x Romanian Deadlifts | 60kg

Time: 27:05

30kg Barbell | 4 Rounds | 20,10,15,5 Reps

A1. Deadlifts
A2. Front Squats
A3. Sumo Deadlifts
A4. Back Squats

New PB: 14:02min

Core & Upper

10min Dynamic Warm Up

3 Rounds | Minimal Rest

10x Toe To Bar
10x Roll Out Plank | TRX
20x KB Russian Twist
15x 45 Hyperextension

Time: 15:33

Upper Body I | 2 Warm-Up Sets , 5 Work Sets | Each Set On 4min

A1. 8x Bench Press | 60kg
A2. 8x Bent Rows | 70kg

Time: 25min

Core & Arms

10min Dynamic Warm Up

4 Rounds | Minimal Rest

10x Hanging Knee Raise
10x Roll Out Plank | Swiss Ball
20x Bicycle Crunch
10x Superman 10sec Hold

Time: 19:33

4 Rounds | 24kg KB

10x KB Bicep Curls
10x Push Ups
10x KB Tricep Extensions
40x Mountain Climbers

Time: 7:24

Tabata | 4mins | 24kg KB



Warm Up

Band Pass Through x10
Band Pull Apart Underhand & Glute Bridge x10
Arm Circles x20 | Each Direction | Small/Big
Walkouts to Push Up x10
Band Face Pulls
Curl To Arnold Press x10

24kg KB

KB Shoulder Press x100
KB Upright Row 4x10

Time: 14mins | 5x Each Arm, Alternating, Minimal Rest

Resistance Band

Band Side Flys 4x20
Bent-Over Band Side Flys 3x10
Band Front Raises 4x10
Band Face Pulls 3x15

Time: 33mins

Up 2 Something!

Warm Up

Band Pass Through x10
Band Pull Apart Underhand & Glute Bridge x10
Arm Circles x20 | Each Direction | Small/Big
Walkouts to Push Up x10
Curl To Arnold Press x10

Chest & Back

Chin Ups x40
Elevated Inverted Ring Rows 4x10
RTO Dips x40

Time: 30mins

5 Rounds | Minimal Rest | 24kg KB

Jerk Left x5
Jerk Right x5
Swings x5
Bent-Over Dead Rows Left x5
Bent-Over Dead Rows Right x5
Swings x5

Time: 15mins | Thanks to Taco Fleur for this excellent lower body KB routine. You can check out his instructions here

Garage KB Legs

Warm Up

Bodyweight Squats x10
Band Pass Through x10
Band Pull Apart Underhand & Glute Bridge x10
Walkouts to Push Up x10
Worlds Greatest Stretch x10

24kg KB

100x Overhead Reverse Lunge
100x Goblet Squats

Final Note: First session in 2020. On Lunges I was alternating sides on each 10 reps with minimal rest in between.

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Curriculum Vitae (CV)
