Sessions are structured according to my current goals, available time and equipment.
"L" - Lower volume or intensity.
"H" - Harder...
"M" - Medium...
RBS - Rest time between sets
RBR - Rest time between rounds
BW - Bodyweight
WT - Weighted


  1. [May]

Previous Month

  1. [March]

April 2020

  1. 19. Sq/Pr/Pu L/M/H +*
  2. 18. Q&D Snatches 80 5/4 + 10/2
  3. 17. Sq/Pr/Pu M/L/M +*
  4. 16. Sq/Pr/Pu H/L/M +
  5. 15. Q&D Swings & Dips 80 10/2*
  6. 14. Sq/Pr/Pu L/M/H +
  7. 13. Q&D Snatches 80 5/4
  8. 12. Sq/Pr/Pu M/H/L
  9. 11. S&S 10/7
  10. 10. Sq/Pr/Pu H/L/M
  11. 9. Q&D Swings & Pushups 80 5/4
  12. 8. Sq/Pr/Pu L/M/H
  13. 7. Q&D Swings & Pushups 60 10/2
  14. 6. Sq/Pr/Pu M/H/L
  15. 5. Sq/Pr/Pu H/L/M*
  16. 4. S&S 10/10
  17. 3. Sq/Pr/Pu L/M/H
  18. 2. Q&D Swings & Pushups 80 5/4
  19. 1. Sq/Pr/Pu M/H/L Se

Sq/Pr/Pu L/M/H +*

4 Rounds | 1:30 RBS | 2:30 RBR

A1. 9x Double Racked Front Squat | 40kg
A2. 7x WT Dips | 16kg
A3. 5x WT Chinups | 16kg
A4. 4x Handstand Pushups

Q&D Snatches 80 5/4 + 10/2

16min | 4 Series | 80 reps | 24kg + 16kg KB Snatch

When the timer starts at 00:00, do a set of five 24kg snatches with your left arm. Rest actively until 00:30 and do another set of five with the left. Then, do five left at 01:00 and another five left at 01:30.


You have just completed a series of 5/4 and the clock shows around 01:40. Rest for the remainder of the minute, plus two full minutes. When the timer shows 04:00, start a series with your right.

When the timer starts at 8:00, do a set of ten 16kg snatches with your left. Rest actively until 9:00 and do another set of ten with the left. Rest for the remainder of the minute, plus two full minutes. When the timer shows 12:00, start a series with your right.

Sq/Pr/Pu M/H/L +*

4 Rounds | 1:30 RBS | 2:30 RBR

A1. 10x Double Racked 40kg
A2. 12x KB Strict Press | 24kgs
A3. 6x BW Pullups
A4. 6x WT Pushups | 24kg KB

Sq/Pr/Pu H/L/M +

4 Rounds | 1:30 RBS | 2:30 RBR

A1. 9x Double Racked Front Squats 40kg + 12kg
A2. 5x BW RTO Dips
A3. 5x WT Chinups 12kg
A4. 3x BW Handstand Pushups

Q&D Swings & Dips 80 10/2

10min Dynamic Warmup

24min | 4 Series | 80 reps | 24kg KB Two-Arm Swings | BW Dips

This is how one serie looks like: When the timer starts at 00:00, do a set of 10 swings. Rest actively for the rest of the first minute. At 01:00, do a second set of swings. After the set, the clock shows around 01:15. Rest for the remainder of the minute, plus another full minute.

When the timer shows 03:00, start a set of 10 dips. Rest actively for the rest of the third minute. At 04:00, do a second set of dips. After the set, the clock shows around 04:15. Rest for the remainder of the minute, plus another full minute.


Right on spot... even though I had terrible sleep last night.

Sq/Pr/Pu L/M/H +

4 Rounds | 1:30 RBS | 2:30 RBR

A1. 8x Double Racked Front Squat | 40kg
A2. 10x KB Strict Press | 24kg
A3. 5x WT Pullups | 12kg
A4. 10x BW RTO Pushups

Q&D Snatches 80 5/4

20min | 5 Series | 80 reps | 24kg KB Snatch

When the timer starts at 00:00, do a set of five snatches with your left arm. Rest actively until 00:30 and do another set of five with the left. Then, do five left at 01:00 and another five left at 01:30.


You have just completed a series of 5/4 and the clock shows around 01:40. Rest for the remainder of the minute, plus two full minutes. When the timer shows 04:00, start a series with your right.

Sq/Pr/Pu M/H/L

5 Rounds | 1:30 RBS | 2:30 RBR

A1. 5x Double Racked Front Squats | 40kg + 12kg
A2. 5x WT RTO Dips | 12kg
A3. 3x WT Chinups | 12kg
A4. 4x Handstand Pushups

S&S 10/7

Every set on the minute.

Sets times reps Weight
One Arm Swings 7x10 (total) 24kg
TGU 3x1 (per arm) 24kg

Core | 3 Rounds |

A1. 5x KB Situps | 16kg
A2. 10x Rollout Plank | Rings
A3. 20x KB Russian Swings | 16kg

Time: 8:47

Sq/Pr/Pu H/L/M

5 Rounds | 1:30 RBS | 2:30 RBR

A1. 8x Double Racked Front Squats 40kg + 12kg
A2. 5x RTO Pushups
A3. 3x WT Pullups | 12kg
A4. 6x KB Strict Press | 24kg

Q&D Swings & Pushups 80 5/4

10min Hips & Shoulders Warmup

24min | 4 Series | 8 reps | 24kg KB Swings | Banded Fist Pushups

At 00:00, do a set of five swings. Rest actively until 00:30 and do another set of five. Then, do five at 01:00 and another five at 01:30.

You have just completed a series of 5/4 and the clock shows about 01:40. Rest for the remainder of the minute, plus another full minute. When the timer shows 03:00, start an identical series of banded fist pushups.


Core | 3 Rounds |

A1. 10x Hanging Knees
A2. 5x KB Situps Each Side | 16kg
A3. 5x Windmills Each Side | 24kg
A4. 1x Warmer Walks Each Side | 24kg

Sq/Pr/Pu L/M/H

5 Rounds | 1:30 RBS | 2:30 RBR

A1. 5x Double Racked Front Squats 40kg
A2. 8x BW Dips
A3. 5x WT Chinups 12kg
A4. 3x Handstand Pushups

Q&D One-Arm Swings & Pushups 60 10/2

10min Dynamic Warmup

18min | 3 Series | 60 reps | 24kg KB One-Arm Swings | Banded Pushups

This is how one serie looks like: When the timer starts at 00:00, do a set of 10 swings. Rest actively for the rest of the first minute. At 01:00, do a second set of swings. After the set, the clock shows around 01:15. Rest for the remainder of the minute, plus another full minute.

When the timer shows 03:00, start a set of 10 pushups. Rest actively for the rest of the third minute. At 04:00, do a second set of pushups. After the set, the clock shows around 04:15. Rest for the remainder of the minute, plus another full minute.


3 Rounds | Every Round on 6min

A1. Low Plank Hold 60sec
A2. Sitting Straight Leg Raise x10
A3. KB Situps x5 | Each Side | 16kg
A4. Band Wood Choppers x10 | Each Side
A5. Rest

Thanks to the book "The Quick & The Dead: Total Training For The Advanced Minimalist" by Pavel Tsatsouline

Sq/Pr/Pu M/H/L

5 Rounds | 1:30 RBS | 2:30 RBR

A1. 8x Double Racked Front Squats 40kg
A2. 10x KB Strict Press | 24kgs
A3. 4x BW Pullups
A4. 5x WT Pushups | 24kg KB

Sq/Pr/Pu H/L/M

5 Rounds | 1:30 RBS | 2:30 RBR

A1. 12x Double Racked Front Squats 40kg
A2. 3x BW RTO Dips
A3. 5x BW Chinups
A4. 2x BW Handstand Pushups

Final note: Right on spot!

S&S 10/10

Every set on the minute.

Sets times reps Weight
One Arm Swings 10x10 (total) 24kg
TGU 5x1 (per arm) 16kg

Final note: Again I went to hard on the swings. Should've kept it on 5 sets of 10 (total).

Sq/Pr/Pu L/M/H

5 Rounds | 1:30 RBS | 2:30 RBR

A1. 5x Double Racked Front Squat | 40kg
A2. 8x KB Strict Press | 24kg
A3. 3x WT Pullups | 12kg
A4. 8x BW RTO Pushups

Final note: Pullups shuld've been at least x4 to fall into the Hard category.

Q&D Swings & Pushups 80 5/4

10min Hips & Shoulders Warmup

24min | 4 Series | 8 reps | 24kg KB Swings | Banded Fist Pushups

At 00:00, do a set of five swings. Rest actively until 00:30 and do another set of five. Then, do five at 01:00 and another five at 01:30.

You have just completed a series of 5/4 and the clock shows about 01:40. Rest for the remainder of the minute, plus another full minute. When the timer shows 03:00, start an identical series of banded fist pushups.


Core | 3 Rounds | 16kg KB

A1. 5x KB Situps
A2. 10x KB Cocoons
A3. 20x KB Russian Twists

Time: 4min

Sq/Pr/Pu M/H/L Se

Double Racked KB Front Squat 5x5 | 16+24kg
WT RTO Dips 5x5 | 9kg
Bent Rows 4x10 | 43kg
Strict KB Press 3x(5L,45sec,5R,45sec) | 24kg KB

Final note: After three days of serious stomache problems... back on track.

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strahinja[at] or via Telegram

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
